The Budget Book 2024.
There are a couple of differences with the new book.
- I am selling solely on www.buythebook.com http://buythebook.ie/budgetbook The reason being that Christmas and the new have been insane since the first edition of the book in 2021 was published. It meant extra busy Christmas. Rachel will be taking my orders and posting them! A massive help for.
- We are currently doing a per-launch sale.Currently retailing at 16.99 rather 19.00 after September price.
- This year I am teaching my story. My relationship money hasn’t always been healthy. In fact it is constant struggle for me to not slide into old habits.
- Each month will be played out slightly different with some monthly tasks to keep you on track. Needed by everyone of us.
- This year I purchased my own iban. This such a big move for ‘indie’ or self published!
- like me as we are finally been recognized for our work and writing as Authors, You do not need a publishing company to print a book which is one the most interesting movement forward for authors.
- Finally your orders will be out to you on time and this I am really happy about as I can slow.The Budget Book 2024 by the Irish Budgeting Mammy
Ann-Marie Gaynor or Irish Budgeting Mammy as she is also known by on her social media pages, is exactly as her name suggests, a mammy of four who shares her budgeting tips through social media and her blog on her website, www.irishbudgetingmammy.com
This is a place where Ann-Marie gives practical tips and advice on how to manage personal finances from ground level up. Looking at her page, you would be inclined to think Ann-Marie always had it together when it came to personal finances. However, Ann-Marie will be the first to admit that her relationship with money has not always been healthy.
This version of The Budget Book, she shares her personal journey with her finances, how she turned it around from broke single parent to becoming a budget expert. This book will guide you on a twelve month journey to change.our money habits, create a more secure future and a life filled with confidence around your relationship with money.
Throughout this book you will discover lots of tips and tricks, money challenges plus room to plan your own budget using Ann-Marie’s unique budget worksheets.